[branding the human]
being irrational means being able to generate something out of nothing.
to embrace irrationality provides a mean to explore creativity. be illogical use ideas as images of thought. be irrational and create something beautiful. and commit to the vocabulary of expression. spring 2007 branding the human being.
a problem to solve:
what is the greatest subject in this world that one can brand?
the human being.
and how will I brand the human being?
to create the branding of human beings, I needed to think about what encompasses the idea of being human. what does it mean to be human?
my original concept was to illustrate the universal needs/wants of humans. so from the idea of:
nothingness/stripped inspired from
After everything is stripped from you-clothes, house, belonging, family, friends, acquaintances- what is left of you as a person?
What does it mean to be a social being and to be part of various communities?
What does it mean to be an individual? and how does that make us human?
I wanted to research the result of what happens when people are stripped of various things in life and try to recognize some sort of pattern.
this research led to the specificity of the universal need to cover our bodies with some sort of adornment(clothes, paint, jewels, piercings, scarification etc.) which is apparent in all cultures.
so eventually i got to my final concept which was:
being organic, natural vs. consuming the superficial, modern, and technological. juxtaposing the one side of humans where mother nature is purely mother nature. and the other where mother nature is technology/modernism. and to create the human brand, I needed to connect with humans form around the world. ...research...lead to inspiration. certain tribes use the natural trash of nature(fallen leaves, flowers, sticks, etc) to cover their bodies.

what if i used "trash" in our culture(brown paper bags, plastic bags, tape) to create something to cover the human body.
this idea embodies the concept of using disposable items to create something new/beautiful. and by being sustainable and creating new things out of nothing.- we are universally human.
materials: brown paper bags plastic bags foil trash bags organic/recycled fabric bottle caps sticks flowers leaves thread

model: michelle yang
company: dodger =]
location: this is not a cornfield *chinatown*los angeles
starting somewhere...

Hussein Chalayan = amazing

beginning stages
painting face
low res sucks but blogger wont take anything else.
final outcome.
nature/industrial birth/death trash/treasure organic/forced even the location of my project: [this is not a cornfield] has visual elements of the natural(cornfields, dirt) versus the industrial (graffiti walls, industrial buildings, the metro running right on top) all in the heart of los angeles.

my home @ ucla
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