Monday, December 27, 2010

Thomas Listen.


There are times - when life calls out for a change- a transition. Like the seasons.

Our spring was wonderful, but summer is over now and we missed out on autumn. And now, all of a sudden, it’s cold, so cold that everything is freezing over. Our love fell asleep, and the snow - took it by surprise.

But if you fall asleep in the snow, you don’t feel death coming.

Take care


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

sick day.

So I had a day off from work today

which I was supremely thankful for cuz I started feeling preeeetty lousy the day before.
   eyeball pains

I spent the day at home loafing around, reading, stepping on leaves, bothering the dogs, and taking pictures while woozy oozily trolling about in my PJs after consuming nyquil in the day time.

We have some pretty strange things in the backyard.

Like this creepy book-reading cherub photographed with my new old  e.e. cummings biography. this biography sings, paints, dances, and acts
rabbits and Chance,

and the strangest one of all, Dodger
seen here taking a leak. so not a lady.

this one is a weirdo too
anyway. found the books at a used book store in la.  the second is from winnie the pooh author, a.a. milne. filled with a charming introduction, whimsical illustrations. and poems that fit right in.

there was also a surprise waiting for me inside the front cover. 

i wonder how long he was dead in here for. and why he had to die in such a cute book.
rip silver bug. i hated you when i was a kid.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I have not written(well, publicly) for a long time- seven months and a few days to be exact.
partially because i was dealing with some stuff privately
also because i was getting 20+ comments from china. in chinese. it was like i was being watched by their government.

I revisited past posts and man, 
was I in the funkiest of funks or what??
I wanted to clean out my proverbial (blogspot) closet. 
and I did go a little "delete button/save as draft" happy, but 

As I reflect on the past year plus some, I am so thankful 
for the present
For the people who stuck around.
For those, old and new, who continue to show me true love, friendship, and grace.
 and also for those(including me) who sharted all over and left skidmarks on the walls.
no. really,
because if it hadn't hit the fan, it would still be brewing and growing even more stank inside our intestines.
and for Jejus who wiped it all clean for us. with countless baby wipes.

ok- enough mush mashed potatoes. 
a visual round up of 2010 will come by the end of the month-ish. 
for now i'll just say:
feels good to be a gangsta back. 

Hebrews 12:10-11   

10For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. 11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

James 3:17  
17But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
