Wednesday, December 15, 2010

sick day.

So I had a day off from work today

which I was supremely thankful for cuz I started feeling preeeetty lousy the day before.
   eyeball pains

I spent the day at home loafing around, reading, stepping on leaves, bothering the dogs, and taking pictures while woozy oozily trolling about in my PJs after consuming nyquil in the day time.

We have some pretty strange things in the backyard.

Like this creepy book-reading cherub photographed with my new old  e.e. cummings biography. this biography sings, paints, dances, and acts
rabbits and Chance,

and the strangest one of all, Dodger
seen here taking a leak. so not a lady.

this one is a weirdo too
anyway. found the books at a used book store in la.  the second is from winnie the pooh author, a.a. milne. filled with a charming introduction, whimsical illustrations. and poems that fit right in.

there was also a surprise waiting for me inside the front cover. 

i wonder how long he was dead in here for. and why he had to die in such a cute book.
rip silver bug. i hated you when i was a kid.


Stephanie Sik Kim said...

Welcome back, yubohz! LOL back in your blogspot style

estefs said...

Welcome backs..... You have been missed.

katherine dae yum said...

thank you dears <3

hanna park yum said...